Each year during the last Saturday of September, families all across America celebrate National Family Health & Fitness Day!
Started in 1996 by the Health Information Resource Center, the purpose of this event is to encourage families to pursue and enjoy physical activity and general wellness together.
Best Ways to Get Active as a Family
There are lots of ways to observe National Family Health & Fitness Day, but the most important thing to remember is that it needs to be fun for the whole family!
If you need some inspiration for planning a day of fun physical activities, check out our list of favorites:

Have a water gun war

Play a game of “capture the flag”

Team up with other families and have a kickball game

Go for a swim

Rent some canoes for the day and go on a float trip

Take a walk together after dinner

Create a Family Olympics full of everyone’s favorite games

Enjoy a bike ride

Play a game of tag

Build your own obstacle course
Remember to try and pick activities that keep everyone moving, laughing and smiling.
The most important part of National Family Health and Fitness Day is that you celebrate the event together!